3-Day E.A.T. Beginner's Training

Break the cycle of overeating and mindless eating

Day 1

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E.A.T. Everything & Reset Your Body

E.A.T.: Emotions, Acceptance, Trigger

Quit Dieting and Start Losing Weight

Reset Your Body with These Three Keys

1. Quit Dieting: There's a part of you that wants to eat food and a part of you that wants to avoid eating food. We help you adopt lifestyle eating for the long term which keeps you feeling satisfied with what you eat, but simultaneously achieving a healthy weight. 

2. E.A.T. Everything: (Emotion, Acceptance, Trigger). During this phase we address your Emotional position, set by habitual inter

nal obstacles, such as the lies we tell ourselves, feeling self-conscious, giving in to comfort eating and a victim-mindset. All these things, and many more, limit our ability to lose weight. 

3. Retrain your Brain: Your food choices are a function of your lifestyle. It is very hard to make good dietary decisions when there is always something else to prioritise. We help you to become mindful in the food choices you make, gradually changing your cravings and 'automatic' eating choices by working on your emotional and nutritional perspective, and your long-term health aims.